EU projects
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Wikęd Sp. z o.o. in accordance with the grant agreement no. POIR.03.02.01-22-0006/18-00 under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority III. Support for innovation in enterprises, Measure 3.2 Support for implementation of R&D work results, Sub-measure 3.2.1 Research for the market is implementing the project “Implementation of the results of own R&D work on steel entrance doors for apartments in multi-family housing”.
Project objective: development of the company through investment in launching production of steel interior/exterior doors with burglar-proof, fireproof and acoustic properties for use in multi-family housing as apartment doors.
Planned effects: launching production of apartment doors with new design and technological solutions in relation to products currently manufactured by the company and its competitors.
Project value: 31,425,270.00 PLN
European Funds contribution: 11,497,050.00 PLN

Project title: Implementation of R&D results to start production of a new generation of passive doors
Project goal: The aim of the project is to implement the results of the company’s own R&D work and to start production of new external energy-saving doors according to the proprietary concept of the Company “Wikęd”, meeting the standards of passive construction and offering construction solutions and equipment options previously unavailable in the given price range.
Beneficiary: WIKÊD Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp.k.
Short description of the project: The project involves the development of the company through an investment in launching the production of innovative, energy-efficient new generation external doors, meeting the standards of passive construction. The structural solutions envisaged for use in the new products are the result of the company’s own research and development work, and their innovativeness has its sources in the results of R&D work and the patent-pending invention concerning the method of manufacturing a door leaf with increased thermal parameters. The investment includes the purchase and implementation of a production line for manufacturing new steel energy-saving doors with a heat transfer coefficient Ud=0.79 W/(m2K) according to the Applicant’s original concept. As a result of the investment, the production of external passive doors with new structural, design and technological solutions will be launched.
Grant agreement number: POIR.03.02.01-22-0003/15-05
Total project value: PLN 11,498,200
Funding value: PLN 5,000,000

Project co-funded by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget, implemented as part of the Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013
Beneficiary: “WIKÊD” R. Kędziora G. Wisniewski Spółka Jawna
Project: Investment in the development of the WIKÊD Company through the introduction of energy-efficient steel doors and new maintenance services.
Implementation period: 2013-04-02 – 2014-12-31
Grant agreement number: UDA-RPPM.01.01.02-00-127/13-00
Total project value: 1,761,411.14 PLN
Funding value: 246,930.85 PLN